Molina + Róża | 08.04 | Chmury
Molina is the Danish-Chilean producer and composer—full name Rebecca Molina (b. 1992)—living in Copenhagen.
Her music flows from an interest in combining digital, sample-based production with organic, hand-played instrumentation. Her compositions create wide and woozy landscapes: a pixelating sunset coming in and out of focus and Guitars that blur the lines with jagged textures and splattered muck.
"When You Wake Up" (label: Escho), the debut full-length from Molina, is a record of presence—a collage of time spent slowing down and being attuned to life’s cycles and changes. “It's a record where I focused on the accidental and immediate,” Molina shares, letting these qualities “become the center of the songs.” Molina pushed herself to try playing instruments with which she had less experience to capture a sense of unpolishedness and spontaneity in the recordings. “I hoped that would create some immediate and unintended material that I had no control over,” she says, “which, for me, is being present.”
In this way, Molina’s music welcomes listeners to a surrealist universe of fuzzed-out guitars, ethereal vocals, and layered samples.
Live, she both performs in a duo and trio setup with Collider guitarist Troels Damgaard-Christensen on guitar and Drummer Benedicte Pierleoni from Baby In Vain.
Zespół Róża to Małgorzata Penkalla, Szymon Lechowicz, Kamil Hordyniec i Julek Horodyski. Muzycy mieszkają i tworzą w Warszawie. Występowali na Off Festival, Jarocin Festival i festiwalu Fama. W 2022 roku ukazał się ich debiutancki album „Bu!”.
W Chmurach zespół po raz pierwszy wystąpi jako kwartet. Na koncercie usłyszymy premierowy materiał.
„Fascynująca, może nawet sensacyjna, lista radiowych hitów z drugiej strony lustra”. Bartek Chaciński, Polityka
„Znakomitej jakości pop. Elegancki, finezyjny, o dużym przebojowym potencjale”. Bartosz Nowicki, Dwutygodnik
Organizator: Muzyczka (więcej wydarzeń organizatora)
Adres i dojazd
Klub Chmury,
11 Listopada 22
Molina + Róża | 08.04 | Chmury
Warszawa, Klub Chmury
Bilety dostępne do 08.04 godz. 20:00
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